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bash plugin

  - name: "Build static version of microCI"
    description: "Description of this step"
    docker: "gcc:13" # Image that will be executed
    network: bridge  # bridge, host or none
    run_as: root     # root, user
      ENV1: "value of the environment variable ENV1"
      ENV2: "value of the environment variable ENV2"
      name: bash
      bash: |
        # Comments are allowed between commands
        apt update
        apt upgrade -y
        # These packages are installed in the image
        apt install -y xxd libspdlog-dev libyaml-cpp-dev
        make -C src clean all
        make -C test
        # Makes the current user the owner of the generated file
        chown $(id -u).$(id -g) -Rv src/microCI