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The basic usage can be obtained by passing the --help option:

microCI --help
                             microCI 0.30.0
                            Geraldo Ribeiro

  -h,--help                Print this help
  -V,--version             Print the microCI version
  -T,--test-config         Configuration test
  -O,--only                Execute only a single step
  -U,--update-db           Update observability database
  -u,--update              Update microCI
  -i,--input file.yml      Load the configuration from file.yml
  -n,--new skip            Create a placeholder step
  -n,--new bash            Create a command line step
  -n,--new docmd           Create a documentation step
  -n,--new mkdocs_material Create a documentation step
  -n,--new pandoc          Create a document conversion step
  -n,--new git_publish     Create a publish step
  -n,--new git_deploy      Create a production deploy step
  -n,--new plantuml        Create a diagram generation step
  -n,--new pikchr          Create a diagram generation step
  -n,--new clang-format    Create a code format step
  -n,--new beamer          Create a PDF presentation step
  -n,--new fetch           Create a download external artfact step
  -n,--new minio           Create a upload/download internal artifact step
  -n,--new cppcheck        Create a C++ SAST step
  -n,--new clang-tidy      Create a C++ SAST step
  -n,--new flawfinder      Create a C++ SAST step
  -n,--new docker_build    Create a local docker build step

Activity diagram

To generate activity diagrams for the workflow use the option --actvity-diagram option

There are two king of steps:

  • main step: list of sequential steps executed on the main pipeline
  • only step: alternative single step executed alone

The diagrams below are generated automatically by microCI based on .microCI.yml file.

Main pipeline

Alternative step

Alternative step

Alternative step